The term “SexMagic” is used to describe the act of sex or sexual acts combined with magic that are performed during a ritual. This can be accomplished in one of three magical methods being that of active white or black magic and inactive neutral magic. The Electrics practice white SexMagic. But, to give you a complete background of SexMagic, we will discuss all three methods.
Many of the top adepts, alchemists, and whom some would call white magicians, do not abuse the sacred act of sex. They do so by either practicing abstinence or simply by rarely having intercourse, in order to retain their creative force, in which they do not release this vital energy just for the pleasure of orgasm. Other adepts like us perform white magic sex with mutual love between sexual partners, where both parties are conscious to each others energies, thoughts, love and goals during the sex act.
It is with white magic sex that these energies, thoughts, love and goals can be enhanced and improved upon. This is done by making your “mutual creative force” as powerful as possible to the point you and your mate become a power team of energy, that can take on just about anything that life throws at you. Your light becomes so bright that it defeats all darkness and the dark spirits flee from the illumination in your home because the light is too bright for these dark spirits to hide, and the “heat in the kitchen” too much to handle.
This white magic love creates a dynamic energy duo. An Aquaman and Wonder Woman team of energy that supports one another with each other’s light, truth and unconditional love.
In black magic, there can be love or no love involved between sexual partners and it does not require one or the other to be conscious of your sexual partner’s true thoughts, loves or goals of the sex act. However, this is not the rule because each partner can be aware of the other’s true motives and they can definitely love one another as well. Often the goal of this magic when done by a black magician is to enhance their life force for material gain or soul gain whether it be for money, material possessions, or soul possession.
Sometimes with black SexMagic the other partner may not be aware that this is occurring and there are no rules stating that there has to be a disclosure of the magician’s sexual intentions. This allows some of the more ill willed black magicians to basically steal the other person’s sexual energy which is really their creative energy. Often the results of black magic, is the unaware partner going mad, and many times the magician himself brings down the great forces of white magic upon them to the point of the black magicians own destruction. Hence, the term, “madly in love.”
What you sow, you shall reap and with the sacred act of sex this is rule number one.
During sex, almost all people are completely ignorant to this “energy force” when it comes to the spiritual realm, and their astral souls and their animal bodies in the material world.
The act of sex is simply one of the most abused and least understood of human behaviors. It is often the people who do not understand the implications of sex and what it does to us spiritually, who are easily taken advantage of by some of those black magicians, who in turn use this spiritual ignorance for their material or sexual selfish gain.
Each individual has an absolute right to satisfy his or her sexual instinct as is physiologically proper.
Many people think that the act of sex is mostly done for pleasure and the sensations that they get from having intercourse. While this is true that sex is one of the most stimulating human activities that we can partake in, the reality is that sex is a form of soul or astral union and human reproduction that is often abused for the act of pleasure. What God and nature had intended to aid in the reproduction of our species, we have more often than not have turned into a purely pleasurable act. All the while forgetting what is truly occurring during these sexual encounters which are really the union of souls, the penetration and combining of astral bodies to create a magnificent union of energies.
This energy is paramount in understanding how we operate when it comes to sex and choosing a sexual partner.
Think about everything in this world as energy. Then you will begin to notice how everything in our world is truly a form of energy and when we come in contact with these energies we can actually feel internally if this energy is good or bad, dark or light. We begin to think outside ourselves by starting to recognize these energies that surround us, whether they are neutral, or negative or positive, and this scientific fact is the most important factor that can be found in the act of sex.
Thank of yourself as having three bodies. All of these bodies you need to carefully and equally take care of.
Theosophists describe man as consisting of four elements:
1. The physical body
2. The astral body, the masculine
3. The soul, which is feminine
4. The spirit which is an emanation from God, is, therefore, God. So every person carries God within.
The “astral body;” is regarded as the “Philosopher’s Stone” or “Living Stone” of the alchemist, the “Wedding Garment” of the Gospel of Matthew and the “Soul body” that Paul mentions in the First Epistle to the Corinthians. The soul, then, is placed between the Spirit element and the Body.
Sex is a force between bodies. Our sex holds a regenerating as well as a generating force. Our sexual fluids are what drive our creativity, passions and energy. It is a magnetic fluid, a true human emotional vehicle which can be crystalized through tantric sex. Fluids enter the body through the sex organs, then flow into the heart if the mind will allow. This is the sexual union of the our astral bodies.
The reality is that we live in a world where many people cannot muster the strength to just control and master their physical bodies, let alone master their astral one.
When we have sex with someone, we literally become one with that person’s astral body. The true astral body receives its creative energy through our sexual energy which acts like a conduit to our physical body.
Think of man’s penis as a positive conduit pole or lingam that then penetrates and flows into the negative hole or yoni of the astral body of the women. They are called enunciators for the astral body to work through as a connecting link between the soul and the physical body.
SexMagic is truly the total connection of all four elements of lovers bodies flowing energy from positive to negative to create the most powerful release of sexual fluids to manifest everything and anything you want.