Trust Problems?
Do you sabotage your intimacy? Do you have one foot out the door in your relationship? Are you someone who’s mother or father told you never to “trust” anyone with your finances or your heart? Are you hedging your bets when it comes to letting go and being totally IN to your primary relationship?
You may be married or in a serious long term relationship and always waiting for the “other shoe to drop”. Thoughts in your head may be, “He will cheat on me like every other man has done.”, “She goes to work every day and I am sure has something going on with one of her co-workers. I’ll find out soon that she’s leaving me.”.
When you have sex do thoughts like this enter your mind making it difficult to really enjoy, orgasm, give all of ourself, and take all the pleasure your partner is giving you?
Thoughts like this are based in “self-talk” messaging that likely came from your parents.

Do I deserve LOVE?
Am I capable of real LOVE of another?
Not deciding to be ALL THE WAY IN your relationship will eventually KILL it.
In the beginning of a relationship you are checking each other out and take your time going “all in.” But if the “checking out” is full of judgment of the other person based not on the actions of the other person, but on the “self-talk” of your past, the “checking out” phase will never end. At some point you need to take that foot that is out the door and bring it inside.
The solution requires trust in all aspects of the relationship.
- Finances – sharing in contributing to all aspects of the money flowing in and out.
- Communication – sharing your thoughts and feelings openly without fear.
- Sex – sharing and totally giving your bodies to each other and accepting your partner for everything they are.
- Spirituality – sharing your beliefs, prayers, rituals, and faith.
- Social – communicating with each other about your friends, adventures, public affection, sexual desires, clothing/appearance, and social media.

Schedule a couples session with The Electrics where we will discover your top relationship values, share your biggest fears, clear blockages from past hurt, change your “self-talk” messaging to align with your relationship values and goals.
You will connect with your partner in ways that you never thought possible.
Live the life you deserve. Have the relationship you crave.